The Focus of Our Efforts

F.I.Y.A., which stands for Fierce Inspiring Young Adults, is our high school based program that focuses on the development of young ladies in 9-12th grade.
The program combines community service, professional development, and mentoring while setting goals for greatness in personal growth, youth development, academic excellence, and leadership.
Cultivate U is our post high school program. Once our young ladies graduate from high school we want to ensure that the cultivation continues into young adulthood.
A series of monthly workshops and information sessions for their post high school experience. Ex. Life skills, College Prep, Job readiness, and coping skills while transitioning into adulthood.

Having the ability to peacefully resolve disagreements is key in cultivating our youth to become successful adults.
We work closely with mental health providers and social workers on workshops and learning experiences that teach our young ladies techniques for properly resolving conflict and live more stable lives.
By engaging youth in positive wellness programming, we increase self-confidence. This happens by promoting social-emotional learning while practicing a healthy lifestyle that starts with the inside out.
When you smile on the inside it shows on the outside.

Through our professional development programming, we work hard to establish a strong foundation of mentors and community members that are dedicated to ensuring that our youth have every opportunity to develop themselves both academically and professionally.
We want to cultivate leaders within our communities that will continue to grow and develop for years to come.
Emotional development is essential in the growth and cultivation of our youth. Our programming works to include emotional development teachings and workshops so that our students are better prepared to responsibly handle life as responsible young adults.